
How to run an effective 1-1

2023-03-21 15:47 Corporate Culture
ONE-ON-ONE (1-1) is a working weekly one-to-one meeting with direct reports to discuss issues of importance and priority to them. 1-1s help the team leader achieve better results, build quality relationships with the team, reduce tension, increase efficiency and motivate people.
The 1-1 meeting methodology was introduced by Mark Horstmann in his book The Effective Manager.

We share the quality criteria for effective one-to-one meetings:

✔ The meeting is scheduled

You need to create a regular slot in your calendar under 1-1. This is how you say to people: "You always have time with me. I will invest it in our relationship".

✔ Meet weekly

Tests have shown that meetings once a month never improve - they either stay the same or get worse. If you have less than 50% of your meetings on a weekly basis, it is better to stop having them altogether, as the increase in effectiveness will not pay for the time invested.

✔ Prioritize subordinate issues

If it is a meeting just to add more tasks, subordinates will not be motivated to attend. Colleagues will see it as just another useless meeting in which they are being bootstrapped. Therefore, it is important that the subordinate leads the conversation.

✔ The manager takes notes

According to employee surveys, when a manager takes notes, they begin to perceive meetings and agreements as more meaningful. You should take notes on everything and don't forget to discuss the next period's work plan at the end.

Managers who do not take notes appear less engaged, less interested and less willing to take action on issues that are important to their people.
We hope that these notes will help you to motivate your team and build truly inspiring relationships with them.