
Why your feedback doesn't work

2023-04-02 15:15 Corporate Culture
Today we are going to talk about a powerful tool for development and motivation - the feedback session. Its purpose is not to remind you of your mistakes, but to encourage you to do the right thing in the future.
A great bonus of feedback is the increased trust in the team because of the increased transparency. Feedback helps colleagues understand the quality of their work. You will also receive recommendations on how to build a personal development plan.

Some interesting studies:

  1. Gallup: People who receive regular feedback become 12.5% more effective.
  2. TinyPulse: 42% of employees believe that feedback helps them better understand career prospects and growth opportunities within the company.
  3. Harvard Business Review: 68% of employees believe feedback helps them grow professionally.

For feedback to be effective, it must be regular (we recommend a monthly session), non-personal and substantive (evaluate cases, not people), accepted and practised.

When giving feedback, it is important to follow four steps:

1️⃣ Get permission. First ask the person if you can give them feedback.
2️⃣ Identify the behaviour. Identify a specific action that you think should be stopped or continued in the future.
3️⃣ Show the effect of the behaviour. Articulate the cause and effect so that the person understands the impact of their activity on those around them.
4️⃣ Encourage effective action in the future. Either ask for a change in behaviour or give thanks for something worth continuing in the future.

And finally, our HR Director Natalie's advice:

"Be positive. Only giving negative feedback doesn't work in the long term. Give positive feedback more often than negative. Focus on what is going right. If you feel like you have to look out for mistakes, then you will start to notice only the mistakes and not the positives".
We hope that our post has convinced you of the importance of regular feedback. Don't be afraid to give and receive feedback, and remember: the right feedback is the key to the effectiveness and development of your team.