Employer BRANDING IN INDIA: challenges, trends & best employer brand awards
Online event – Thursday, May 4, 10:30 AM (IST)
based on Indian HR market research made by Cultimate & European Association of Employer Branding
Now we are ready to share the results of our research with you!
You are invited to join us on the 4th May at 10:30 IST to hear the research presentation and to attend the Best Employer Branding Awards Ceremony. Don't forget to invite your colleagues to attend!
Six months ago, the Cultimate team, supported by the European Association of Employer Branding, started to explore the Indian Employer Branding market. During these six months, we met with over 50 CHROs, HRDs, HR and Employer Branding leaders from more than 10 industries. We asked them about their key challenges, local trends and best practices in the market.
The event will be held on 4 May
It will consist of three parts:
We will present the results of our market research on employer branding in India: bests, challenges, trends and key features compared to European practices.
We will share our vision of the EVP approach that fits the Indian market: what it should be based on and the 3 main pitfalls to avoid when creating it
We will present a ranking of the top companies with the best employer branding practices across a range of industries, based on our market research data.
  • Thursday May 4 2023
  • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (IST)
  • online event
  • pre-registration required
  • HRD & CHROs. You will gain a complete understanding of the market from an outsider's perspective and learn best practice.
  • Employer Brand & Talent Acquisition Professionals. You will increase your knowledge of the state of the market and dive deeper into the EVP.
  • Anyone from HR industry who have already participated in our research or are interested in the latest market trends. We look forward to sharing the results with you all.
Who should attend
About us
Cultimate – a team of employer branding experts. With more than 70 research and creative professionals and over 15 years' experience, we know how to turn your corporate identity into employer strength. We have worked with many global companies, delivering over 30 EVP and culture projects with an average client score of 8.7 out of 10. We are also co-founders of the European Association of Employer Branding. Its members are already leaders in their markets and have delivered hundreds of successful cases for their clients.

We have already organized a series of employer branding workshops in Bengaluru & Mumbai which were rated 9 out of 10.
Our CEO & Founder Andrei was invited to speak at the World HRD Congress in Mumbai in February.
Register by 3 May (included)
Contact us in case you have any questions
Kate Mikhailova
Head of Strategy, Cultimate